Monday, May 26, 2008

shut up jeremy!

jesus. you'd think i was shirking some dire responsibility by not blogging every day. i'm not completely convinced that anyone reads this but me, so there. doesn't he know that i have very little time for this? i don't think he realizes exactly how much time i need to play video games per day.
anyhoo, for those who don't know, we just went on a 5,000 mile road trip. for the second time in a year, actually. and i managed to not blog A SINGLE TIME. however, there were a few things we did fit in:

1. seeing our texas family. man, we love you. and miss you. and i'm never drinking again.

2. blowing out a tire on the freeway, in our rental car, somewhere outside jackson, mississippi. i think. what's fabulous about this incident is that we were only about 2 miles from the rental place at the airport at the time, and managed to make it to a motel 6 on the donut. motel 6 isn't the good part (i know, right?), but jer got to the rental place and all they could give us was A MINI VAN!!! so, as the trip progressed, i became more and more of a soccer mom. big ass white mini van, yoga pants (it's hot in the states, and i've been wearing 8 layers and snow boots for the past 6 months), several trips to the Target, several trips to Starbucks, etc. Awesome. oh, and i need a mini-van. sorry joy, but this is the end of our wagon gang....

3. sunburns. oh, hell yes.

4. deciding that we're trying to move to Athens, GA after this. we can't get back to austin, but we'll get as close as possible. i may actually lose my mind if i encounter snow outside of montreal, and we actually have started saying things like "it's only a 1000 mile drive, we could get to texas in a day!" although, maybe we'll head back NW. who knows. but i think in all of our frozen little hearts, we realize that we're supposed to be south.

5. driving the Blue Ridge Parkway. or at least, that was the plan. instead, we spent one day driving through the Great Smoky Mountains in fog so thick you couldn't see the road... it was AWESOME. the cliffs looked as though they simply disappeared into space, which, unfortunately, made for an occasionally unnerving drive, but it was beautiful. then ez the bug started throwing up... the sickest of the car sick. so we camped that night at Mt. Pisgah (yes, mt. pisgah in virginia) and got off the twisty-windy road asap the next day, but not before some amazing sights in the clear sunny-ness that greeted us that morning.

6. the Smithsonian museum. what's great about leaving in the car with very few plans and several maps is the fact that you can do whatever you damn well please. so, after scrapping an extremely beautiful drive, we just jumped on over to D.C. and while the cherry blossoms were already gone, the museums were amazing all by themselves. we went to the natural history museum and saw dinosaurs, the hope diamond, and other fabulousness, and then headed over to the air and space museum. awesome. fish got to try out "flying" a Cessna, and i'm not sure whether her or her daddy had more fun. and then, as we were leaving, we found out that they were filming "night at the museum 2" there, and got to watch a bit of a scene with ben stiller being filmed. he's short. and jeremy thinks he's "pointier in real life".

there were many more adventures, and i promise to share them and be better about posting. and maybe, just maybe, someday i'll post a picture too. get multimedia on yer ass. don't hold yer breath.