Monday, June 9, 2008

Fish Wisdom

Miss Catfish is always full of little gems that she occasionally imparts... sometimes to us, and, as we've learned from her parent-teacher meetings, sometimes to others. We try to write down the ones that make us particularly happy or that we can use as leverage in discussions when she's older. Not all of them are blog-appropriate, but I've decided to start sharing some of them. This is pure, unadulterated mommy-self indulgence. Bear with me.

My personal favorite conversation from the latest epic road trip:

Dada: "If you kick the back of my seat again, I'm tying yer legs down."

Fish: [silence] "Seriously?"

Dada: "What do you think?"

Fish: [silence] "Well, it's a pretty common thing to do..."

And another from last week:

Fish: [matter-of-factly] "Ezzy has sort of pointy ears; I think he's an elf."

Mama: "Well, since Dada is his dada, and I am his mama, I'm not sure how he could be an elf."

Fish: "Maybe one of your eggs was an elf-egg, and that's the one that hatched."

Mama: "Like, maybe someone in my family was an elf, and so I ended up with one random elf-egg?"

Fish: "Yeah. Maybe one of your ancestors was an elf. We should ask Grandma Donna."

Mama: "I can't believe you just used the word 'ancestor' correctly in a sentence."